Corporate Information
Annual Reports
Refer to the Federal Court of Australia annual report.
Senate File Lists
In accordance with the Senate Order for Indexed Lists of Agency and Departmental Files (the Harradine motion) the Court is required to publish on its website any relevant new files created in the most recent calendar year. The production of the list is intended to make the operations of government more transparent to the Australian public.
The lists do not include:
- files transferred to National Archives of Australia;
- case related files; or
- files essentially related to the internal administration of the Court or the Tribunals it supports (eg. staff or personnel, accounts, training or general administrative matters).
Latest file lists:
There are no files to report for the following periods:
- January - June 2024
- July - December 2023
- January - June 2023
- July - December 2022
- January - June 2022
- January - June 2021